We live in a toxic world, there is no doubt about that.

On a daily basis, we are exposed to many toxins. Whether we ingest them through our food and water, inhale them through cleaning products and fragrances or if we absorb them through our personal care products. The burden on our bodies can be heavy and can potentially lead to both short and long term health issues. But, what if we can change that? What if we could learn about the safer alternatives? What if we can start feeling our best? This is what I want to teach you! And, I want to do it in a fun, easy and non-overwhelming way in order to have you reach your goals. We can't control everything but, we can control a whole lot!

What are Environmental Toxins?

  • 84,000 +

    This is the number of chemicals that are used in commerce. The vast majority of which may have never been tested for safety.

  • They are not "out there" but "in here"

    They are the chemicals that come into our homes in the products that we use every single day.

  • Can effect our bodies

    They can potentially harm our health by interfering with our body's sensitive biological system.

  • May lead to...

    Weigt gain, asthma, headaches, hormonal issues, reproductive issues... and everything in between.

These courses are for you if...

  • Have heard about Environmental Toxins and don't know where to begin

  • You are feeling overwhelmed with all of the information that is out there

  • Information overload has stopped you from making safer choices

  • You want to do everything that you can in order to protect your family's health

Your Instructor:

Jennifer Steiner

Certified Environmental Health Specialist

Jennifer Steiner

My passion for my work began when I became aware of the link between my own misdiagnosed illness and a toxin I was exposed to on a daily basis. Once I removed the toxin, I regained my health. Now I use my experience and extensive knowledge to help others limit their exposure to toxic chemicals and the list of chronic illnesses that have been linked to them.

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